In many ways, Maale Adumim is like any American city of this size.
There are pleasant roads leading into and through the residential neighborhoods. As part of the 'planned community' concept, there are, in each neighborhood, a variety of playground areas for children--some larger--
some tiny--
Some with special play areas--
and some still under construction, as new housing gets built--
As in many smaller American cities, there are clean, quiet streets--
Some of the "older" streets have nice greenery--
And, along with the quiet residential areas, we also have an indoor mall--
But there is something different here, because even though a street here looks similar to streets in the US--
once you look to the left, in this picture (above), you realize that you are in a special place, because you see
a flowering green home--
that is surrounded by a naked, barren world of natural beauty that
We like to call Maale Adumim.
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